About AE

Updated April 2023

What is Accounting Experiments?

Accounting Experiments (AE) is an online resource and community for sharing insights and tools about designing, programming, and analyzing data of experiments in the field of accounting. Victor van Pelt and Christian Peters launched AE in 2019 to share ideas with colleagues in the experimental accounting community. Since that time, AE has rapidly grown as an online platform, with currently hundreds of unique visitors each month. At this moment, we welcome all contributions from researchers who have an interest in experimental accounting research. Also, please do not hesitate to leave a comment and connect with us by following our twitter account.

Please contribute!

We encourage any form of contribution or input from colleagues and other researchers in the experimental accounting community. The best way to contribute is by sending a blog post with your idea to info@accountingexperiments.com. Please write the post in Word or Markdown and ensure it's short, casually written, to-the-point, and clearly delineated. While we will not edit nor review the blog post, we will check it for general relevance for AE. This also implies that the opinions and thoughts shared on AE do not necessarily resemble our opinions and thoughts. Also, after we publish your post on AE, you reserve the right to remove it from the platform. When we receive such a request from one of the authors, we remove your blog post as quickly as possible.