
Using ChatGPT in oTree experiments

The oTree community has put together a useful oTree app. It allows participants to chat with ChatGPT through OpenAI's API. The app itself uses prompts so ChatGPT takes on a character or personality for participants to chat with. However, the possibilities and use-cases for experimental research are endless.

Why you shouldn't trust mediation as process evidence

Mediation is widely used in experimental accounting to obtain process evidence. The primary benefits of mediation are its low cost and easy integration. However, it has a hidden cost that weakens its effectiveness as process evidence. This post explains why it's the least effective method and suggests two better alternatives.

How to prevent bots and farms from taking over and ruining your online experiment

In this post, I share simple techniques to filter participants before they take part in your online experiment. These techniques filter bots and participants using automated scripts plus participants who fake their geolocation using VPN/VPS, proxies, and server farms.

Analyzing learning rates (pt. 2): Two approaches

Do you want to learn how to analyze learning? In this second post of a two-part series, Jake Zureich discusses two approaches when comparing learning curves.

Replications can help improve practical relevance of accounting experiments

Both replications and practical relevance are awkward discussion topics for most experimental accounting researchers. Yet, replications offer a concrete way to address concerns we may have about the 'practical relevance' of experimental findings.

Why we ignore free-form communication and why we shouldn't

People in workplace settings can typically communicate freely with each other, but many experiments scale communication down to a restricted form. Should we maintain this status quo or is there room for free-form communication? Read this post by Farah Arshad and Cardin Masselink to find out more.

Analyzing learning rates (pt. 1): Common pitfalls

Do you want to learn how to analyze learning? In this first post of a two-part series, Jake Zureich discusses common pitfalls when comparing learning curves using an illustrative example.

The role of exploratory analyses in accounting research

Developing theory after collecting data is problematic because the theoretical predictions are post hoc. However, does that imply that all exploratory analyses are pointless? In this post, Jeremy Bentley explains that exploratory analyses can still add value even when researchers prefer to pre-commit to ex-ante theoretical predictions.

Running your experiment on MTurk

With the increasing popularity of online experiments, many have asked us for advice on how to conduct experiments on Amazon's Mechanical Turk. In this post, Christian Peters provides a hands-on guide.

Are experiments that recruit from online subject pools field experiments or laboratory experiments?

Experiments that recruit from online participants pools such as MTurk and Prolific have become increasingly popular over the past two decades. However, since scholars have referred to such experiments as both laboratory and field experiments, which classification should we use?