
Choosing the right participants for your experiment

Choosing the right participant pool for your experiment is challenging. Which experiments require professional participants? Does it matter whether you recruit students or online participants? In this post, Jeremy Bentley explains his approach to participant pool selection.

Why PEQs do not provide the best process evidence

Post-experimental questionnaires (PEQs) are a popular means of obtaining process evidence in experimental research. However, are they the best method for obtaining such evidence?

Using animations in your instructions

This post present an easy way to support your textual instructions with animations.

Eliciting process variables using scripts

This post shows how you can elicit process variables in an unobtrusive way using scripts.

Sliders with feedback and without anchoring

Sliders are a great way to elicit input from participants. In this post, I share a few lines of code helping you program sliders with real-time feedback and without anchoring.

Embedding excel spreadsheets in your experiment

Some experiments ask participants to make use of Excel spreadsheets. This post shows how to embed Excel spreadsheets in the code of your experiment.